Tuesday, March 10, 2009

3 little blessings?

Prior to age 28 I determined I did not want children; they were too much work, would change my life too much, I had things to do and places to see that did not involve children. Around 28 I realized that life was rapidly flowing away and that maybe, just maybe, my decision about children was a bit limiting. Then a very selfish idea occurred to me: I could regret not having children (too hard to remedy once old age hits) or I could regret having them (again a wee bit hard to change once old age hits, but avoidance is easier to create than babies from a barren body). So, discussions ensued and the first little bundle of joy became a reality.

Bundle of joy, whoever thought up that euphemism has clearly lost contact with reality. Oh, don't get me wrong, children have their moments, but only now do I understand my Mother's comments about children not being people until they're 35! These creatures masquerading as children have turned my life upside down. Where once I led a team of employees who did what I told them, I now have a trio that makes an art out of selective hearing.

We seem to live in a society where everyone bares their feelings and thoughts for the world to read. I often wonder why we feel the need to express our inner most thoughts to anyone with a computer; why we feel our 2 cents is worth reading. Then I became a stay at home Mom. Where are the coffee clatches? The children all taking turns playing at the neighbours'? The evening chats over the fence? Zipping next door for a cup of sugar? These activities do not exist, at least not in a city environment. Oh they might still exist in small towns but with so many people caught up in their hectic 2 jobs, 15 activities (can't have our children sitting bored for 5 minutes) there isn't time for face-to-face connections anymore.

I'm a fairly social person, I talk to my neighbours; I even get a laugh out of the look on their faces when they find out I'm a waver (I wave when I drive by them on the street). But, there are people 2 doors down that I have never spoken to in the 11 years I've lived here. Up until Christmas there was one house where I never saw the people there, ever, never saw a car leave, never saw anyone in the yard, never.

So, is it any wonder that with the advent of Facebook and other social sites and blogging that people are posting inner most thoughts and ideas, complaints and laments? We need to communicate, even if it's only in 1 and 0's with someone, if we can't find a warm body then the world at large will do.

I find myself spending 24hours a day/7 days a week with three creatures whom I'm told are people, but some days I have my doubts, with little or no contact with the outside world. My nearest friend is a 30 minute drive away, the other 45 minutes. Make friends closer you say, well, that's an excellent idea, but there's one drawback to that. Making friends at my age, trying to break into the world of other people is a lot easier said than done. Now that my oldest is in school I have a captive audience in the other Moms, some of whom have the same problem I do, but again, everyone has their own life and their own demands on their time.

At times I find myself in a funk that is difficult to label and needs addressing. I've decided to jump on the blog bandwagon, add my 2 cents worth to the world at large and create a connection to something beyond myself. One reader, one million readers or none, makes no difference, but a place to put down these rambling thoughts - that's a good thing.

So join me, if you will, on this little journey while I find out if it is possible for me to turn 3 creatures into respectable people. In following posts I will introduce each of the creatures, darling firstborn, a beautiful girl entering school this year, to charming middle son whose smile is going to have girls swooning in a few short years, to delightful youngest with mesmerizing eyes and more attitude than both her siblings combined. Each creature exhibits unique traits (can't possibly make it easier by having any "sameness" going on) which makes each creature exasperating and lovable. One minute I'll be ripping my hair out ready to flee to Tahiti, the next a simple "I love you and I like you" will have my heart melting, and I'm sure they'll all agree that I'm definitely in the running for Mean Mommy of the Year Award.

Right now it's time for bed and story time. Usually the other half gets to do that 15 minutes of snuggle time but he's off gallivanting tonight so I get to do it.

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